Stop Looking for Inspirations

Aspect Prints
3 min readJun 22, 2022

We’ve heard it all before. Be inspired. Stay inspired. Let your inspirations lead you.

While yes, inspired work produces astounding results, what then do you do on days when inspiration is non-existent?

So many times in my career I’ve settled on working uninspired. As I’ve started a business and committed to grow it from the ground up, I set myself to work on everything on my own. And honestly, I do not like doing more than 50% of the tasks ahead of me.

What makes a difference, however, is how you consistently push yourself to do the things people would be reluctant to do. You can’t expect to just be doing tasks that are fun to do. The real deal breakers and deal makers, as I’ve experienced, is the discipline to get things done regardless of your emotions.

Stopping Time

At some point, everyone wished they could (stop time), didn’t they?

The thing is, time doesn’t stop for anyone. It doesn’t go around waiting. That almost sounds ironic.

I had an extreme downfall during that time I felt apathetic about everything. Doing this, doing that, feeling busy yet dissatisfied, jumping from one task to another just to tick a box. I was totally uninspired.

I’d lay down on my bed and cover all the windows to make the room pitch black. That’s the only moment I’d feel calm. I guess, in a way, it made me feel dead. It felt like I wasn’t here and that time was at a standstill.

The Best Advice I Ever Got

“Progress shouldn’t be based on feelings.”

There are days (even until now) when I get a kick of that same dreadful feeling but I realized now that regardless if I do what I’m supposed to do or not, time still passes by. And that my mood shouldn’t get in the way of that.

Well, it does help to mute everything out and just get on with it. Easier said than done? Of course. But you’ll soon learn the trick. As soon as you get one thing done, do the next. No time for feelings.

Obsess with lists

Inspirations come at weird times. Mine comes some time between 2am-4am. As for me, when I get an idea, I have to do it right away — at least start something about it.

Going back to the point of this whole writing, what do you do when there is no inspiration? Where do you start?

That’s where a list comes handy. List down everything you have to do. Don’t trust your brain to remember or at least to keep track. It won’t, trust me. Plus, there’s the simple joy of crossing a line.

What’s Next?

Keep on keeping on. There’s no other way around it. Soon enough, it’ll all come back and you get to tell a story like this. I’ll be listening.



Aspect Prints

Aspect Prints is a MNL based designer shirt printing studio driven to move ideas, concepts and visions forward.